Hosting A Website With Python

It is not difficult when it comes to hosting a website with python. With Php extremely common often it makes one think if python is even available for your next hosting server. Yes, you can get python hosting and at the same price as a PHP server.

You can even have a PHP and Python installation in parallel. With artificial intelligence-based services becoming more and more common it gets confusing to find a reliable host to deploy your website on.

Python Hosting Is Everywhere

Almost all major hosting providers are giving Python servers for you to run your website. An intelligent approach is to get Python hosting from companies that allow you to run more than one server.

This way you can secure yourself opportunities for the future as well. If you wish you take a specialized server from a platform then it may not be a good choice because as a developer you will realize that you want to grow in the future with ready-made solutions that are widely available in Php rather than in Python.

In such cases, a flexible hosting provider with the economical price range is a smart choice to make.

Who Is A Good Python Host

Before looking for hosting there are few things that you must take care of are:

Brand Repute: I cannot stress how important this factor is. A brand with good authority and developed trust is not compromisable.

Customer Service: Hosts like Bluehost and HostGator trap the upcoming customers with attractive packages but once you become their customer, they know you are trapped and have nowhere to go. In recent years, they have been tons of complaints about their bad customer service.

Economical: Do not look for extremely cheap hosting, as they might have compromised it with big downtime that can hurt your SEO rankings. If you are starting out expensive hosting such as Kinsta might not suit you. Look for something right in the middle. I see SiteGround right at the economical spot.

CDN Support: Cloud data network like Cloudflare provides free cloud support for one website but there can be configuration issues. I recommend looking for a host that provides integrated CDN support. If your hosting company provides seamless CloudFlare integration like  SiteGround then it is a great advantage.

Server Caching: I cannot stress how important this factor is. If your server is not offering compression or caching then your website may get 2-5 seconds just to get a response from the server. You can check the speed of how a website loads at GtMetrics. If the initial request from the server is longer than 200-300ms then its a bad hosting company. This website is hosted at SiteGround and I get very fast initial loading speed.

Speed Optimisation Plugins: There are not well known Python Speed optimization plugins out there. These plugins minify the CSS, javascript, lazy load the web pages, optimize images and other tricks that help load the website faster. SiteGround provides their own SG Optimizer for free and I have had a great experience with it.

Maximum Uptime: The more downtime your website has the more signal you send to google that you are not providing good user experience. That is one of the main ranking factors. 99.9% uptime is the acceptable uptime for a website these days. Any hosting provider giving lesser than that is an indication to stay far away.

Python Modules and Packages: Sooner or later you will require help from another module to add some service at your website or application. I have seen almost all the Python modules at SiteGround. You can check all the available modules at your SiteGround SSH by this command: help(‘modules’).

Hosting Space: A 10 GB hosting space is enough for someone who is just starting out with an average Python website. I have seen some hosts providing 1Gb space at a considerably high price.

Custom Python Installation: Some users prefer 2.4 while for others higher Python version is more preferable. Make sure that your hosting company has all available options to change the version of Python installation.

Which Python Hosting Company I recommend

The straight forward answer is SiteGround. You may get overwhelmed by loads of companies claiming to be giving python hosting at a reasonably low price.

To me, SiteGround lies just at the sweet spot not too expensive but with all the perks of what expensive hosting companies are providing. It is possible for SiteGround to provide perks what high-end platforms are offering because of the brand reputation they have built.

It has helped them grow their customer base exponentially over the years. If you are just starting out it is the best place to host your next Python project on.

Php or Python For Web Hosting?

You are probably at the point where you have built your website at your localhost already and want to upload the website package at a reliable python hosting service. Python is the future language and it is great that you have developed the necessary skills in the present.

Having a confusion because Php has loads of already built solution has lead to more common Php than Python hosting. Bear in mind that in the future you will be adding artificial intelligence through Python in your skill set.

You will probably make some solution and upload it on the same Python server on which you are planning to host your website at the moment. So plan for the future and without wasting more time deploy your website at the hosting company you feel more comfortable with.

Sum Up: Hosting A Website With Python

The fierce competition of hosting has pushed all major hosting service providers to expand their services to most of the programming languages. Python is no exception and is in the priority list of major companies.

The bottom line is to look for a mid-range price, maximum uptime, CDN support, server caching, non-compromising support, custom python modules, and a good brand name.



Python web hosting